Children in grades 3–8, supporting each child at a critical time in developing their foundational academic skills, self-confidence, and self-concept.
looking for 1:1 mentoring support
for every student.
looking for a safe, effective complement for in-person mentoring.
looking to offer an impactful volunteer program & help local communities.
looking to support through donations
and serving as a volunteer eMentor.
looking for 1:1 mentoring support
for every student.
looking for a safe, effective complement for in-person mentoring.
looking to offer an impactful volunteer program
& help local communities.
looking to support through donations
and serving as a volunteer eMentor.
Travel, coordination, safety, and training barriers make sustainable, at-scale in-person mentoring a practical impossibility.
CricketTogether’s virtual mentoring approach breaks through mentoring’s traditional barriers enabling impactful, convenient, and rewarding mentoring at scale.
(Based on pre-post survey of Title 1 3rd–8th graders after 1 full academic year of participation.)
Additional countries included:
Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, and United Arab Emirates
1:1 eMentoring support
Free to schools and students
Choice of curriculum options
Support for grades 3–8
CricketTogether is free for schools and students—your donation helps to sustain and expand the program
Volunteer as an eMentor
Corporate sponsors and mentoring partners typically provide their eMentors, but occasionally additional eMentors are required
CricketTogether is free for schools and students—your donation helps to sustain and expand the program
Volunteer as an eMentor
Corporate sponsors and mentoring partners typically provide their eMentors, but occasionally additional eMentors are required
Cricket Media, Inc.
1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600
McLean, Virginia 22102
(703) 885-3400