v4.5 (3/16/2017)
- New rotating banner on homepage
- New post-experience survey
- Ability for students to message their own classmates within a Pen Pal Exchange
- Fixed bug preventing some users from logging in via Safari
- Admin Tool enhancements for supporting Pen Pal Exchanges
- Assorted bug fixes
v4.4 (2/9/2017)
- Ability to more easily add existing students to Pen Pal Exchanges and Experiences
- Enhanced Pen Pal Exchange admin functions
- Assorted bug fixes
v4.3 (1/12/2017)
- Ability to add teachers to an existing Pen Pal Exchange
- Pen Pal Exchange – Add Teacher Tab now displays status of all invitees and participants
- Fixed issue affecting the ability to send messages or post messages in IE11
- Enhanced Pen Pal Exchange admin functions
- Assorted bug fixes
v4.2 (12/15/2016)
- Ability to search Pen Pal Exchange messages for moderation
- Ability for teachers to manage profiles for students in Pen Pal Exchanges
- New moderation counter for pending messages on Pen Pal Exchange cards
- Fixed bug affecting ability to reply to messages for some users
- Fixed bug affecting Teacher Guide display for experiences
- Additional minor bug fixes
v4.1 (12/1/2016)
- New messaging features, including text formatting (bold, italics, underline, bulleted lists, and more)
- Ability to add attachments to messages
- Ability for teachers to add a note when rejecting moderating messages
- Assorted bug fixes
v4.0 (11/17/2016)
Pen Pal Exchanges Live!
- Ability for teachers to search for and invite other interested teachers to Pen Pal Exchanges
- Ability for teachers to create student-to-student or class-to-class matches for messaging
- Ability for students to message students from matched classrooms
- Ability for teachers to moderate student-to-student messages
- Ability to view Teacher Guides when reviewing Experience descriptions
v3.10 (8/11/2016)
- New moderation tab for Teachers. See all of your student board posts in one place within each Experience.
- Ability for Teachers to search and sort Connections
- Ability for Administrators to reject profiles
- Fixed bug preventing password resets for usernames with special characters
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.9 (7/21/2016)
- New discussion board icon for teachers, showing number of posts pending moderation
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.8 (7/11/2016)
- Ability for teachers to delete discussion boards from customized experiences
- Enhancements to administration tools related to the management of Experience Templates and Profiles
- Improvements to Experience promotional functionality
- Modifications to support Internet Explorer v11
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.7 (6/23/2016)
- Enhancements to expand Experience functionality to include additional Source and Type attributes
- Functional enhancements for Administration Tool and process
- Platform expansion to improve support for multiple Communities residing on the services
- Correction for filter logic for Explore Experiences page
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.6 (6/13/2016)
- Enhancements to Explore Experience Tool including additional filters Source and Type
- Addition of Usage information including Active Experiences, Participants and Countries Represented
- Creation of Banner for Experience Promotions
- Additional functionality for Teacher Created Experiences
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.5 (5/25/2016)
- Improved video performance within Experience Discussions
- Modifications for Administrative functionality
- Improved Messaging and Invitation performance
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.4 (5/09/2016)
- Enhancement of a My Profile page for students to allow for additional functionality supporting multiple Experiences
- Correction of Black Screen Experiences
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.3 (4/21/2016)
- Creation of a My Profile page for students to allow the users to view basic information about their account as well as their experiences
- Improvement of performance for video uploads
- Improve Experience Management, including Archive of complete or unused Experiences
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.2 (4/11/2016)
- Improvement of the ability to play videos from Create Your Own Experience
- Correct ability for Teacher to upload PDF in Experiences
- Improve performance of Experience messaging
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.1 (3/28/2016)
- Move the Create an Experience block from My Experiences to Explore Experiences
- Ability for a teacher to create a new Experience from scratch, using a blank template. Teachers continue to have the ability to choose from pre-defined Experiences as well.
- PDFs now display as thumbnails when uploaded by teachers/students
- Assorted bug fixes
v3.0 (3/10/2016)
- Ability to delete or close experiences
- Fixed issue related to uploading and opening new resources within experiences
- Assorted bug fixes
v2.3 (2/25/2016)
- Improved performance for experiences
- Fixed issue of displaying My Profile page for students
- Fixed display issue when viewing your own profile in Find Connections results
- Assorted bug fixes
v2.2 (2/10/2016)
- Improved performance for account area (profile, messages, and connections)
- Improved display of discussion boards when previewing Experiences
- Updated languages list for user profiles
- Fixed issue related to blank Participant drawer in Experiences
- Fixed issue related to missing user details on Experience discussion boards
- Assorted bug fixes
v2.1 (1/28/2016)
- Improved Find Connections search
- Improved automatic updates of connection statuses after an invitation has been accepted
- Displaying PRIVO seal to confirm certified COPPA compliance
- Ability to re-launch the Customize Experience tour from the Customize Experience page at any time
- Set maximum height for discussion boards on Experience timeline. Users can click to open the experience to view the full post.
- Fixed private message counter within Experiences to update automatically after messages have been read
- Improved selection of recipients for private messages within experiences
- Allow special characters when changing password
- Assorted bug fixes
Hot Fix (1/14/2016)
- Corrected issue with links to experience in the Experience Invitation Accepted email
Hot Fix (1/12/2016)
- Optimized loading of My Account menu bar
v2.0 (1/7/2016)
Global Community Experiences Live!
- Ability for teachers to select and customize Experiences from a menu of ePals and partner-sponsored templates
- Ability for teachers to add students to Experiences and collaborate with other classrooms
- Ability to collaborate via discussion boards and private messages using rich text, images, and video
- Ability for teachers to moderate student posts
- Updated Country listing
- Assorted bug fixes
v1.3 (9/23/2015)
- Ability for teachers to hide their profiles from the Find Connections search
- Fixed performance issue preventing teachers from accessing their messages
- New welcome video from the Global Community ambassadors
- Disabled the Connection Request Pending and Connection Request Accepted notifications in the My Messages area. Teachers can continue to manage connection requests from the My Connections tab.
- Ability to filter for multiple countries in the Find Connections search
- Updated layout for the Profile page
- Ability for admins to request additional info from teachers during the profile approval process
- Assorted bug fixes
v1.2 (9/8/2015)
- Ability for new teachers to sign up
- Ability for admins to view and approve teacher profiles
- Assorted bug fixes
v1.0 (8/24/2015)
New Global Community Live!
- Ability for existing teachers to connect and build their networks
- Ability for connected teachers to exchange private messages