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Learn with Cricket

What’s New at Cricket

Teacher Feature

Celebrating our Teachers & Tutors 

Our teachers are the core of our community and all have expertise in the subjects and content areas that they instruct….They come from all over the world — from Paris to Tokyo to Buenos Aires (and everywhere in between) and are eager to share their love of language with you. Choose to work with a teacher that suits your learning goals and learning style!


Jacqueline is a Senegalese American who loves learning all types of languages.

She has been teaching her native languages of French and English for more than ten years and loves it. She has a B.A. in Modern Languages and Psychology and J.D. She loves teaching people of all ages and has had the privilege of teaching people from all over the world with different learning styles and capabilities. She looks forward to learning more from her students, too!
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Check Out our Children’s Magazines

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ages <3


ages 3–6


ages 4–7


ages 6–9


ages 7–10


ages 9–14


ages 9–14


ages 9–14


ages 9–14


Winners and Favorites from our Magazines

Call to Action!

Please pass along the following contest details from our magazines to your children so they can take part in our exciting contests!


“Some people think cats make the most perfect pets. Other people prefer dogs, or snakes, or birds, or fish. Where do you stand? For this month’s contest, make a poster to convince someone looking for a pet why cats are better than dogs, or dogs are better than cats, or why your own favorite odd animal actually makes the best pet. Win us over, and we’ll post a parade of the most persuasive pets in an upcoming issueof ASK.”

Contest rules:

  1. Your child’s contest entry must be their very own work. Ideas and words should not be copied.
  2. Be sure to include your child’s name, age, and address on your entry.
  3. Only one entry per person, please.
  4. If you want your child’s work returned, please help them enclose an addressed, stamped envelope.
  5. Your child’s entry must be signed or emailed by yourself or another parent or legal guardian, saying it’s their own work and that no one helped them, and that ASK has permission to publish their work in print and online.
  6. For information on the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, see the Privacy Policy page at
  7. Email a photo or scan of your child’s artwork to: Entries must be emailed by February 28, 2025.
  8. We will publish the winning entries in an upcoming issue of ASK.

“In this issue of CRICKET, everybuggy’s heads are in the clouds. For this month’s contest, we want to read your best poem about something that is out of this world.

Will your poem take place in outer space, on Earth looking up at the stars, or in an otherworldly imaginary land? You might rhyme about launching a model rocket, like in “Winning” or landing a real spacecraft on the Moon, like in “Old Cricket Says.” You could boldly announce the discovery (or false discovery) of a new planet, like in “Showdown at Separation Point.” Perhaps you’ll describe the magic of an ancient sky, like in “Why the Sky Is Far Away.” Or you might reimagine how a normal activity will be different in the future, like Antrik trying to get his license in “The Flying Test.” You could even explore a secret world hidden in the simplest of places, like in “Between the Pages” and “Her Hands That Held the Stars.” The sky’s the limit!

Whether your poem is scientific or fantastical and fueled by facts or high hopes, everybuggy in Cricket Country will have their eyes on the skies (and the mailbox), waiting to be transported by your best poem—of 24 lines or fewer, please—that is totally out of this world.”

Contest rules:

  1. Your child’s contest entry must be their very own original work. Ideas and words should not be copied.
  2. Your child’s entry must be signed by yourself or another parent or guardian, stating that it is their own work, that no help was given,
    and that CRICKET has permission to publish it in the magazine and on our website.
  3. Be sure to include your child’s name, age, and full address on their entry.
  4. Only one entry per person, please.
  5. If you want their work returned, enclose an addressed, stamped envelope for each entry.
  6. Your child’s entry must be received by February 25, 2025.
  7. Send entries to
  8. We will publish winning entries in the May/June 2025 issue.

“In science—and in life—you can’t be afraid to make mistakes. They mean you’re trying. And errors can sometimes lead to surprising discoveries, useful lessons, or even cool inventions. In no more than 200 words, tell us about a real or fictional mistake that turned out to be a good thing after all. We’ll “accidentally” print our favorites in an upcoming issue of MUSE.”

Contest rules:

  1. Your child’s contest entry must be their very own original work. Ideas and words should not be copied.
  2. Be sure to include their name, age, and full address on their
  3. Only one entry per person, please.
  4. If you want their work returned, enclose an addressed, stamped envelope.
  5. All entries must be signed by yourself or another parent or legal guardian, saying that this is their own work and no help was given and granting permission to publish. For detailed information about our compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, visit the policy page at
  6. Your child’s entry must be received by March 7, 2025. We will publish winning entries in an upcoming issue of MUSE.
  7. Email entries to If entering a digital photo or scan, please send at 300 dpi.


“Draw a picture illustrating your favorite word in any language.”

Here are the only rules:

  1. Your child’s entry must be signed by yourself, another parent, or legal guardian, authorizing its publication in print and/or online and saying it’s their own idea.
  2. Be sure to include your child’s complete name, age, and address.
  3. Your child’s entry must arrive by February 25, 2025. We will publish our favorites in the May/June 2025 issue of SPIDER.

Email your child’s entry to

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