Go on a Journey of Discovery with CLICK Magazine
What's Inside?
experiments and puzzles, ...
An activity section to cut out and play!
Get to know the characters!
My name is Amy, and my best friends are Click and Martin. It feels like I’ve known them both my whole life, but our sitter, Liz, says I didn’t meet Martin until I was almost one—eleven months, to be exact. I like knowing things exactly and figuring out how stuff works and fixing problems. That’s why I’m going to be a rocket scientist when I grow up. Or a vet. Or maybe a princess. I’m still deciding.

Hello! How are you? I’m Martin. It can be a little hard to get a word in around Amy sometimes, but that’s OK. I like drawing pictures and making things more than talking anyway. Right now I’m working on making a book. Actually, a lot of books—one on dinosaurs, one on baseball, and one on stuff I found at the beach.

Hi, I’m Click. My friends say I’m not only good-looking but also good at looking. I guess they mean I’m curious and like to see what’s going on around me. Or maybe they just know I like to play hide-and-seek.
When I’m not hanging out with Amy and Martin, you’ll probably find me at the computer or curled up with a good book.