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Learn with Cricket

What’s New at Cricket

Teacher Feature

Celebrating our Teachers & Tutors 

Our teachers are the core of our community and all have expertise in the subjects and content areas that they instruct….They come from all over the world — from Paris to Tokyo to Buenos Aires (and everywhere in between) and are eager to share their love of language with you. Choose to work with a teacher that suits your learning goals and learning style!


Jacqueline is a Senegalese American who loves learning all types of languages.

She has been teaching her native languages of French and English for more than ten years and loves it. She has a B.A. in Modern Languages and Psychology and J.D. She loves teaching people of all ages and has had the privilege of teaching people from all over the world with different learning styles and capabilities. She looks forward to learning more from her students, too!
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Check Out our Children’s Magazines

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ages <3


ages 3–6


ages 4–7


ages 6–9


ages 7–10


ages 9–14


ages 9–14


ages 9–14


ages 9–14


Winners and Favorites from our Magazines

Call to Action!

Please pass along the following contest details from our magazines to your children so they can take part in our exciting contests!


“Have you ever wished you had a twin? Besides always having someone to blame for the mysteriously exploding soda, a double could come in very handy for playing pranks. For this month’s contest, draw up some plans for a truly great prank you could play if you had a twin (or that you’ve always wanted to play, if you are a twin!). Let your devious imagination loose, and we’ll print up a list of the most mischievous to be read by twins everywhere in an upcoming issue of ASK.”

Contest rules:

  1. Your child’s contest entry must be their very own work. Ideas and words should not be copied.
  2. Be sure to include your child’s name, age, and address on your entry.
  3. Only one entry per person, please.
  4. If you want your child’s work returned, please help them enclose an addressed, stamped envelope.
  5. Your child’s entry must be signed or emailed by yourself or another parent or legal guardian, saying it’s their own work and that no one helped them, and that ASK has permission to publish their work in print and online.
  6. For information on the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, see the Privacy Policy page at
  7. Email a photo or scan of your child’s artwork to: Entries must be emailed by July 31, 2024.
  8. We will publish the winning entries in an upcoming issue of ASK.

“Summer is here, and adventure is calling! The bugs are ready to unroll their sleeping bags and look up at the stars, and they hope you are, too. For this month’s contest, everybuggy would like to see your best drawing of a camp.

Will you draw a family or friends relaxing by a camper van, struggling to set up a tent, or off on a hike like Laura and Cassie in “Mountain Mystery”? Or will you draw a sleepaway camp inspired by Loxie’s triumphant weeks at Fear Camp in “Goldilocks Goes to Camp,” or Ladybug’s not-so-stellar day at Camp Ladybug, or your own wild and wonderful day camp experiences? You could draw a summer camp where kids learn to ride horses, or befriend imaginary creatures, or build robots, or play a sport, or make crafts—or something else entirely. Whether realistic or whimsical, your camp could be found in the mountains or the forest, by a lake, in a city park or museum—any place that has you humming campfire songs as you draw!

No matter what you choose, all the bugs in Cricket Country will be clutching their marshmallow sticks as they wait for your best original drawing of a camp to land in the mailbox.”

Contest rules:
  1. Your child’s contest entry must be their very own original work. Ideas and words should not be copied.
  2. Your child’s entry must be signed by yourself or another parent or guardian, stating that it is their own work, that no help was given, and that CRICKET has permission to publish it in the magazine and on our website.
  3. Be sure to include your child’s name, age, and full address on their entry.
  4. Only one entry per person, please.
  5. If you want their work returned, enclose an addressed, stamped envelope for each entry.
  6. Your child’s entry must be received by July 25, 2024.
  7. Send entries to
  8. We will publish winning entries in the November/December 2024 issue.

“Movies come in different genres, lengths, languages, and styles. And almost all of them start with a creator’s vision. In words or pictures, share a scene from your directorial or screenwriting debut. Write us a page, in no more than 250 words, from your screenplay or draw up a one-page storyboard to help you plan out your shots. Be sure to include the title of your film, and we’ll preview our favorites.”

Contest rules:
  1. Your child’s contest entry must be their very own original work. Ideas and words should not be copied.
  2. Be sure to include their name, age, and full address on their
  3. Only one entry per person, please.
  4. If you want their work returned, enclose an addressed, stamped envelope.
  5. All entries must be signed by yourself or another parent or legal guardian, saying that this is their own work and no help was given and granting permission to publish. For detailed information about our compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, visit the policy page at
  6. Your child’s entry must be received by August 21, 2024. We will publish winning entries in an upcoming issue of MUSE.
  7. Email entries to If entering a digital photo or scan, please send at 300 dpi.


“Write a story about a wild ride.”

Here are the only rules:

  1. Your story should be 150 words or fewer.
  2. Your child’s entry must be signed by yourself, another parent, or legal guardian, authorizing its publication in print and/or online and saying it’s their own idea.
  3. Be sure to include your child’s complete name, age, and address.
  4. Your child’s entry must arrive by July 25, 2024. We will publish our favorites in the November/December 2024 issue of SPIDER.

Email your child’s entry to

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