About Cricket

Cricket Media, Inc. is a global education company creating high-quality print and online learning products for children, families, mentors, teachers, and partners that improve learning opportunities for everyone. Led by our 9 award-winning children’s magazines and our customizable research-tested collaborative learning platform, we are committed to creating and supporting innovative learning experiences that help children safely explore and engage with their expanding world.
For Families
MAGAZINES: We offer 9 award-winning magazines for kids ages toddler to teen, including BABYBUG®, LADYBUG®, CLICK®, SPIDER®, ASK®, CRICKET®, COBBLESTONE™, FACES™, and MUSE®. Our popular reading bundle packages our printed magazines with digital companions that can be read on all devices. We also celebrate the creativity of our young readers with regular challenges and contests featuring their extraordinary work.
LANGUAGE LEARNING: Students can now learn 11 languages through our growing suite of online services. Fluent City offers classes focusing on conversational skills for individual adults and corporations. NeuLingo specializes in Mandarin Chinese language learning for North American children, taught with a custom curriculum in a fun, engaging style. In China, we offer English-language lessons to students via NeuABC along with dual English-Mandarin language versions of Cricket brands for toddlers and young children in print and digital formats through our partnership with Neumedias (a division of China’s largest IT services company, Neusoft).
For Educators
MAGAZINES: Our 9 award-winning magazines reinforce and extend learning in the classroom with teacher guides and low-cost bundles..
eMENTORING: Our acclaimed CricketTogether™ eMentoring program matches mentors and students to build reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, across the curriculum, including a highly acclaimed set of STEM units.
CHALLENGES: Our global challenges bring together learners to apply important concepts, from STEM to cultural studies, through events such as the Smithsonian Invent It! and Folklife challenges.
GLOBAL COMMUNITY: Our ePals Global Community® pairs educators and students around the world in exciting project-based learning for language learning practice and cultural exchange.
For Companies and Adults
LICENSING: Cricket licenses our award-winning content to partners for PreK–12 curricula, assessments, and educational products. Our content is unsurpassed in quality and breadth, relevant across cultures, and adaptable to multiple standards and pedagogies. We also offer corporate partners access to our platform and community, powering language learning practice and cultural exchange experiences in their own products.
SPONSORSHIP/EMENTORING: Cricket offers corporate partners a turnkey low cost eMentoring opportunity that furthers education equity and employee engagement. We also offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities, from supporting companies launching a global educational challenge to our international community.
BOOKS: Open Court Publishing Company is the legacy of philosopher and editor Paul Carus (1852–1919), who was forced out of a teaching position in Bismarck’s Reich because of his liberal views. He moved to the U.S., where he became editor of The Open Court and The Monist, which he soon turned into important organs of American thought. Open Court offers both academic philosophy titles and the Popular Culture and Philosophy line.