Parallel Lives: Rallying for Causes—Centuries Apart

My love for the Classics, especially Latin began in ninth grade, with my first Latin class. I just loved everything about the language—from the declensions to the subjunctive to the four purpose clauses. So, as I thought about the themes for 2017-2018, I looked through the ancient Greek and Roman topics I had covered in […]

The Olympics: A Look Back

When we—the editors of DIG, COBBLESTONE, FACES, and MUSE—met to discuss a theme for a 2016 issue that would work well across all four magazines, the Olympics came to mind almost immediately. Rio de Janeiro had already been chosen as the site, and the topic was one that could be approached from many angles. I […]

China’s Mythical Rulers

“China’s Mythical Rulers”—now that sounded intriguing! As a Classics major, I knew well the myths of the ancient Mediterranean world, but not so much about the myths of ancient China. Over the years, we had focused several issues of Dig Into History on China’s dynasties and a few on specific cities, including the Forbidden City. […]