Touring that Place Like it was 1999

The title of this blog comes from a line in a story my 9-year-old daughter wrote recently. It’s funny, right? My daughter is not so good with capital letters or commas or periods (not yet, at least), but she does have a way with language that gives me great hope that she will be a […]

Bingo! Here’s the Clue to Gaining a Monopoly on Family Game Night, Risk-Free.

I am so excited to write about family game night. My family loves playing games. We play cards at dinner (and yes, we even bring them to restaurants when we eat out). We play verbal games in the car while we’re driving. We play I Spy while we’re waiting in line at the bank. I’ve […]

5 Facts About Victorian Séance-Goers & Skeptics

Victorians were fascinated with spirits, magicians, telepathy, and all kinds of occult practices and supernatural phenomena. Here are five fascinating tidbits that didn’t make it in to Cicada’s November/December article “Victorian Ghost Hunters”:   Arthur Conan Doyle believed in ghosts. The mastermind behind Sherlock Holmes was a die-hard séance-goer who wrote volumes on the topic […]

Oh, Those Autumn Holidays (Or, Not Everyone Celebrates Thanksgiving)

I have to admit that I sometimes make the common America-centric mistake of thinking everyone else also celebrates OUR holidays. For example, in corresponding with a friend in England, and considering a visit at the end of November, I expressed my concern that the timing would interfere with their Thanksgiving plans.   “Our what plans?” […]

10 Things I’ve Learned as a Children’s Poet

Children have the best imaginations. Children look at the world from the inside out. Children love lyrical language. Daydreaming is a highly underrated art form. When you write for children, don’t write for children. Write from the child in you. It is better to show, than tell. Style is not how you write. It is […]

Having a Literally Literary Halloween

Ahhh, Halloween. One of my favorite holidays: Little effort. Lots of candy.   My kids love it too, mostly for the same reasons. The daughter referred to in previous posts as having the 100-pound book bag (of which 98.5 pounds consist of books she reads for fun) especially loves Halloween — and she has a […]

Plaaaay Ball!

I’m a born and raised New Yorker and I grew up chanting “Let go Mets!” at ballgames at the now defunct Shea Stadium. So even though I’m not a huge fan of baseball in general, I have to admit to being pretty excited to see “my team” making it to the World Series. Judging from […]