Check it Moms, the Class DAD is here

I admit it. I didn’t step up to the plate at first. My son’s class needed a “class mom” (hey, that’s how they phrased it in the email) and even though I’ve spent countless hours complaining to my wife that dads are treated as second-class citizens in the school, I still didn’t take the leap […]

Screen Beings

Just like children believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus, I have a vision that somewhere, out there, a magical, mythical mother exists. One who charts out exactly the right amount of screen-time, per child, per age, per device, sets AND enforces these limits, and yet somehow still miraculously maintains perfect family harmony. This […]

Flipping the Book Experience

This month’s issue of ASK is all about bookmaking, and I can’t help but be excited about this because I love books. I love them so much that I learned to make them by hand, from start to finish. I could write a story and illustrate it, make the paper the story will be printed […]

The 6th Annual Global Invent It Challenge

Go ahead and get your kids thinking about a real world environmental issue because the Invent It! Challenge is back and better than ever! This 6th annual challenge, a partnership between Cricket Media and the Smithsonian Institution’s Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation is launching on January 17, 2017 and kids from […]

YOU, Yes, YOU Should Read to Your Children

Two separate articles came through my inbox during the past few days. The first was the announcement of a new piece of technology called Aristotle which supposedly can understand the speech of very young children, allowing it to answer their questions and play simple games. The device will even read the child a bedtime stories, […]

Get Lit This Hanukkah

The candles! I mean the candles!   It’s been reported that 72 percent of Jewish people in the United States celebrate Hanukkah. This is a bigger percentage than those who partake of any other Jewish rite, including attending a Passover seder or fasting on Yom Kippur. Yet it is one of the most commonly misunderstood […]