Beyond Peter Cottontail

If you’ve heard the story of Peter Cottontail one too many times, you aren’t alone. Each year at Easter (and every holiday, really) there are a few stories that get trotted out again and again. Luckily, you subscribe to this blog (and if you don’t, you should! See the subscription button below) so you have […]

Where Do Poems Come From?

I’m asked that question a lot. Where do poems come from? Where do you get your ideas? It’s like one of those questions we hear from our children, “Where do babies come from?” A wise parent will offer an explanation based upon what they think is appropriate for the age and level of understanding of […]

Procraftinating: Make it a Thing

You’ve probably heard it said that parenting is a journey, not a destination. You know what else is a journey? Crafting. Despite what you might think after watching Martha Stewart as she expertly (and neatly!) creates some masterpiece out of a few pieces of cardboard and ribbon, crafting is supposed to be a fun, messy, […]