Meet the Mummers

If you live anywhere near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, you’ve probably heard of a New Year’s Day tradition called The Mummers Parade. In Philly, it’s a big deal. People line the streets and tune in to the local broadcast to see the thousands of marchers who work all year to create unique costumes, music, and performances designed […]

10 Holiday Jokes to Ensure You’ll Be the Life of the Party on New Year’s Eve

Want to get liven up any holiday party? Tell a few jokes! There’s nothing kids (and adults, too!) like better than a few ho-ho-hos. Don’t know any jokes? No problem! Here are 10 holiday-themed jokes that are sure to lift everyone’s spirits and get the good times rolling.   Remember: They may be holiday humdingers, […]

Best of 2015: Articles

While our literary magazines (Babybug, Ladybug, Spider, Cricket, and Cicada) feature “the best of the best” for children in stories and poems, our discovery magazines provide the best for children who want to explore the world through science, history, art, archeology, or geography. Below you’ll find our editors’ picks for the best articles of 2015 […]

The Best of 2015: Stories

2015 was a year filled with inspiring, inventive, and imagination-enriching stories and articles in all of Cricket Media’s magazines. Even for the editors, it was hard to choose a favorite (“It’s like having to choose a favorite child!” complained one editor.) but choose they did. Today we are pleased to present our editors’ picks for […]

Announcing our Folklorist Challenge Winners

The winners of the 2nd annual Folklorist Challenge, co-sponsored by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage and ePals, were announced last week. To enter the Folklorist Challenge, kids interview someone in their community who holds some sort of knowledge or wisdom or skill that should be passed down from generation to generation and […]

Stories to Share on Christmas Day

Church is over, the presents have been opening, and dinner is nothing but leftovers. Now what? Storytime is what! Please enjoy these heartwarming stories just perfect for a Christmas afternoon with someone(s) you love. It’s the perfect time to snuggle up, get cozy, and relax with some good old-fashioned Christmas cheer.   The Christmas Day […]

Stories Perfect for ‘The Night Before Christmas’

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…everyone is clamoring for a story that doesn’t start with “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Don’t panic! There’s no need to wrack your brains or search your bookshelves for another story. The Cricket archives have you covered. We hope the story, poem, and crossbird puzzle included […]

Deck the Halls with Buddy Holly

Don’t you hate it when you’re singing along with a song, and you realize the artist got the words wrong? Often, I like the wrong version of the song better. According to the interwebs, misunderstood lyrics have their own special name: mondegreens.   In my family, misunderstood lyrics are genetic, and our kids sing the […]