For the January issue of Cobblestone I chose to focus on Buffalo Bill and Wild West shows. While putting this issue together, I was able to work with the experts at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, Wyoming, and what a gift that turned out to be!
I always try to find a consulting editor (what we call an “expert in the field”) for each issue. I ask the consulting editor to review a final outline of articles or topics we want to include in the issue, and then to review and comment on all the articles once they are written. Most people who agree to serve as our consulting editors are excited to see a publication for children focusing on a topic about which they are passionate, and they are extraordinarily generous with their time.
For the January issue, not only did I find a great consulting editor at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Jeremy M. Johnson, but Mr. Johnson put me in touch with three of his colleagues. All four contacts at the Center of the West were willing to write for the issue. Those four experts in their fields helped fill our issue with factually accurate, age-appropriate, interesting material—from the must-have biographical piece about William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody to the idea for an activity that pointed out all the behind-the-scenes work that went into putting on a Wild West show that employed 700 people!

Buffalo Bill Center of the West exterior and front lawn with chuckwagon demonstrator and tipi, Cody, Wyoming. Photo courtesy of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Photo by Chris Gimmeson.
If you are ever near Cody, Wyoming, I encourage you to visit the center. From amazing artifacts and exhibits to outrageous true stories, your whole family is bound to have a great time. For an in-depth and entertaining look at Buffalo Bill and friends be sure to pick up this month’s issue of Cobblestone.