That Kid Who Sits Across from Your Kid
The seating chart was changed in my daughter’s elementary school classroom last week and ever since I have heard daily stories about the boy who now sits across from her:
The seating chart was changed in my daughter’s elementary school classroom last week and ever since I have heard daily stories about the boy who now sits across from her:
Halloween season is in full swing and ghosts, witches, zombies, monsters, and other scary creatures are everywhere. It seems like no matter where you go you are bound to see
The pivotal moments in history that are frozen in our minds are, unfortunately, usually laden with heartbreak. My mom remembers exactly where she was when she heard about the assassination
This is the time of the year when people move. Families move near and far, to bigger towns for more opportunity or to smaller towns for a better place to
More than two hundred years ago when William Wordsworth wrote “the world is too much with us,” little did he know how much the world would be with us today.
It was thirty years ago today that the space shuttle “Challenger” exploded on lift-off, killing everyone on board. The destruction of the Challenger remains one of those events in history