Time for November/December Issues!

As the days grow shorter and the weather gets cooler, it’s the perfect time to gather together with family! This new batch of November/December issues is just right for snowy and rainy days, or for resting after a long day of celebrations and fun! Discover holidays around the world, go on a winter walk, visit […]

5 Free Children’s Stories for Halloween

No tricks here, just treats! We’re sharing five new stories from our award-winning children’s magazines for all ages– just in time for Halloween! What time could be better to sit around a fire and listen to pleasantly spooky stories? Get ready to visit a ghostly library, pick out a Halloween costume, look for a goblin, […]

8 Kid-Friendly Alternatives to Trick-or-Treating

Halloween looks a little bit different this year. Instead of lining the streets to trick-or-treat, many of us are staying home. But that doesn’t mean that Halloween is canceled, or that you can’t have fun with your family! Here are our tips and tricks for Halloween fun without trick-or-treating! Trick or Treat Treasure Hunt Think […]

30+ Conversation Starters for eMentors

Asking questions is an important way for mentors to learn more about their mentees. Building a strong relationship is crucial, and showing interest in your mentee’s life and opinions is a great way to get started. Remember, any new relationship may feel awkward at first, and mentorship is no exception to that! Here are over […]

Boo! October Issues are Here!

October is one of the most magical times of year, with all kinds of spooky surprises, sweet treats, and beautiful fall foliage! We can’t wait to share our October magazine issues with you, especially with our brand-new logos! Although our logos have changed, you can expect the same high-quality content for children of all ages! […]

5 Surprising Facts about Elections Around the World

The whole country is gearing up for the next U.S. Presidential election, but there are other elections going on around the world, too! The latest issue of FACES Magazine explores elections around the world, past, present, and future. No matter how much you know about voting, you’re bound to be surprised by some of the […]

What’s the Deal with Guardrails? A Cricket Media History

We love to investigate Cricket Media traditions, from why kids send pictures of their pets for SPIDER Magazine to ‘adopt’ to MUSE Magazine’s legend of the hot pink bunnies. Today, we’re diving into another surprising phenomenon from our history: guardrails. Yes, guardrails. You heard us correctly. Those bits of metal and cement that keep cars […]

Fall in Love with Our September Issues

September is here! The air is turning crisper, the occasional yellow leaf drifts to the ground, and a new batch of magazines is shipping off to families around the country! This ‘back to school’ season may look a different from years past, but this month’s magazines are as full of delightful stories, poetry, articles, activities, […]

The Story Behind Spider’s Adopt-A-Pet Picnic

We love how our readers’ creativity and imagination can lead to beloved new traditions. Last year, we dove deep into the history of the hot pink bunnies from MUSE Magazine’s “Muse Mail.” All MUSE readers know about these critters, but few know where they came from. This time, we’re taking a similar look at “Spider’s […]

The Best STEM Magazines for Kids

Do you know a child who has a passion for science, nature, technology, or math? Or maybe one who just needs a little extra push to fall in love with STEM? Magazines are the perfect way to feed their curiosity. Science classes across the country will look a little different this year. Maybe they’ve moved […]