As the holiday shopping season goes into full swing, we know that people around the country are scrambling for last-minute gift ideas. So many typical presents for Christmas, Hanukkah, or winter birthdays are no longer feasible in this time of social distancing (so much for tickets to The Nutcracker), and it’s not always possible to get together and give gifts in person. It’s starting to seem like we do everything in life through a screen.
That’s why magazines are the perfect gift for a socially distanced holiday season! It’s the next best thing to visiting family in person– a gift that lasts all year long and gives kids something physical to hold onto. Each new issue that arrives in the mail will generate new interesting discussion topics on your next FaceTime or Zoom call! Here are our suggestions for magazines for every age group and interest.

For creative kids who love a good story
Cricket Media offers literary magazines for kids ranging from toddlers to teens! Some of these magazines also offer contests in which kids can submit their own writing and artwork for publication.
Preschoolers and early elementary students can enjoy LADYBUG, a colorful collection of poems and short stories that’s just right for reading aloud. This magazine is packed with adorable pictures and also includes songs with sheet music!
For slightly older kids, SPIDER (ages 6-9) is packed with adventurous stories and poems that will capture children’s imaginations. Meet a dragon, take a ride on a spaceship, and travel in time! You’ll also find some creative crafts, recipes, and activities in the pages of SPIDER!
CRICKET (ages 9-14) has been delighting older children with high-quality literature for over 45 years. You’ll find everything from retold folk tales to historical fiction to fantasy to nonfiction biography to poetry to realistic fiction exploring issues that kids face today– all accompanied by gorgeous artwork.

For curious kids interested in STEM, nature, and how things work
These magazines are perfect for kids who are full of questions about the world– or universe– around them! These science-focused magazines theme each issue around a fascinating new topic that is sure to captivate kids!
CLICK (ages 3-6) is a terrific introduction to topics in science! In addition to informative articles, CLICK also publishes fiction stories that explain concepts like the spread of germs, the chemical reactions in baking, or what solar eclipses are like! Recent topics include fish, nighttime, and how different animals use their hands/feet/tails.
For elementary kids, ASK (ages 6-9) provides the answers to all of the questions that curious kids might have. With beautiful photos, fun cartoons, and hands-on activities, ASK brings STEM subjects to life! Some recent issues have covered alchemy, the future of cars, and comets.
Older kids with an interest in science and technology will love MUSE (ages 9-14), which focuses on new scientific discoveries and portraits of real scientists with a fun, quirky sense of humor! This cutting-edge magazine is the perfect gift for bright tweens with original minds! Recent issues of MUSE have covered kids who are changing the world, the science of reading, and ants!

For history buffs and aspiring world travelers
We didn’t forget about kids whose interests lie in social studies! If you know a child who longs to travel in time or around the world, these magazines (both for ages 9-14) may just be the perfect fit.
COBBLESTONE brings a new perspective American history, diving deeper into well-known historical events, shedding light onto more obscure ones, and providing in-depth portraits of important historical figures. Some recent issues have portrayed the Reconstruction era, Presidential elections, and the Roaring 20’s!
FACES covers both the past and present of people, places, and cultures around the world! With interactive activities, interviews with real people, and snapshots of exciting traditions and landmarks, it’s the closest thing to really being there! Some topics covered in recent issues are New Zealand, birds around the world, and traditions involving the sun and moon!

For babies and toddlers
Don’t worry, there’s something for the littlest children, too! Babies and toddlers can enjoy BABYBUG, a magazine with small, sturdy pages that are just right for little hands. This little publication is full of whimsical art, nursery rhymes, poems, photos of real babies, and very short stories designed for super small attention spans.