Fathers: You Rock!

I have a friend on Facebook who frequently comments on how fathers are often not included in the conversation when it comes to parenting. Someone will post an appeal for a few moms to chaperone a class trip or post an article about how moms spend X amount of time helping with homework each night, […]

Notes from the Backseat

Before I jump onto my mommy soapbox about DVD players in the car, I need to be completely honest: the eight-year-old inside me is jealous. That girl would have loved a TV set in her car.   You see, my mom was a huge fan of random road trips — and by random I don’t mean […]

Stopping the Summer Learning Slide

by Cheryl Clark, Vice President, Programs, Reading Is Fundamental (RIF)   Summer is a time to kick back, relax and enjoy warm lazy days away from school. For many children, summer is also an idle time when they forget many of the skills they learned the previous school year. This learning loss is called the summer […]

Best Friends Forever!

Did you have a best friend when you were growing up? Chances are, you did. Childhood friendships are often among our most cherished relationships. These are the people who knew you when. Who were with you when you fell of the monkey bars and broke your arm. Who understood how you felt when your favorite […]