Show Bedtime Who’s Boss

By Cricket Media Dad   You know that meme “What I think X will be like” vs. “What X is actually like”? If it were applied to bedtime in my house, it would look like this:   What I think bedtime will be like:     What bedtime is actually like:     You’ve been […]

ASK Magazine Looks at the Science of Sugar

By Tyler Thompson, Licensing Manager, Cricket Media   Sugar. Maybe you’ve heard of it. When Cricket Media receive licensing requests from State Education departments, they specify they can only license articles that do not mention sugar, sweets, candy, ice cream, or cookies. Several states have passed legislature banning the sale of soda and sugary drinks […]

Introducing Your Sensitive Child to Ghost Stories

Halloween season is in full swing and ghosts, witches, zombies, monsters, and other scary creatures are everywhere. It seems like no matter where you go you are bound to see spooky decorations adorning store windows and private houses, grotesque costumes on display, and scary stories in the “featured” section of libraries and bookstores. Kids are […]

Diwali: Not a Holiday to Take Light-ly

Halloween lights are becoming more popular these days. But before the strings of purple or orange fairy lights lit up bushes around my neighborhood, we often had green, yellow, red, and white holiday lights in October. For a while, I assumed it was people getting into the Christmas spirit REALLY early. But then I heard […]

What We Learn From Nature

Go outside. Look around. What do you see? A robin? A squirrel? A honeybee? A parade of busy ants beneath a shady tree?   What can our little outdoor friends teach us? What can we learn from them? What lessons await us at every turn?   The robin is busy collecting sticks and straw and […]

Unique Gift Ideas for Kids That Last

As kids get older, it’s harder and harder to buy them unique gifts they can enjoy well beyond the day they receive them.  As each celebration approaches, my kids request gift cards or money as their gift. While I understand why they ask for money and/or gifts cards, I also like to surprise them with […]