Check it Moms, the Class DAD is here

Check it Moms, the Class DAD is here

I admit it. I didn’t step up to the plate at first. My son’s class needed a “class mom” (hey, that’s how they phrased it in the email) and even though I’ve spent countless hours complaining to my wife that dads are treated as second-class citizens in the school, I still didn’t take the leap and put my name on the list.


Then the next week the second email hit my inbox. The person who wrote it begged asked the moms in the class to step up to help with parties, activities, and classroom communication. “That’s all it is?” I thought. I can do that. I quickly responded to the email and heard back that there was a planning meeting for class moms the next week.


The minute I walked into the meeting, the looks and the questions began. No, I’m not here for my wife. Yes, I know this is the meeting for the class mom…or should I say class parent. Yes, I understand what the job of the class parent is. No, I’m not a stay-at-home dad. I just make time to be a part of my son’s life, just like every other parent here. Yes, I am getting annoyed. (No one actually asked that last question luckily.)


I probably sound like a broken record, but why is it that only moms are thought to take time off from work to do all the things that the schools need parents to step up for? I know plenty of dads who are willing and able to help. Frankly, “class mom” doesn’t sound like such a big job. I think I can handle it. News flash: I can also change diapers, make mac-n-cheese like a pro, and read stories to my kids every night. I bet you can too.


But baby steps, people. Baby steps. Starting with class dad, I plan to take on the establishment and rise to a position of power. This year, class dad, next year, maybe PTA officer, and by the time my son graduates, I’ll be PTA Prez. Hey, it could happen. (My wife says no one actually wants to be PTA President but I’m not going to let that stop me.)


valcard10-baby1114cmAnd for now, this class dad is going to throw the best Valentine’s Day party the 1st grade has ever seen. Yes, I can use Pinterest to make “adorable” Valentine’s Day treats, and yes, I can print out these “super cute” Valentine’s Day cards from Cricket Media to put in every kid’s goody bag, and yes, I can step up and make class dad the hottest volunteer position ever. So check it moms. The class dad is here.