May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and we’re bringing you a selection of stories from our award-winning children’s magazines! Download, print, and read these stories as often as you like– and cuddle up with the family to share them! Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month includes people of so many different cultures and backgrounds. These stories represent just a few different perspectives!
“Chopsticks” from SPIDER Magazine
Shay has never been able to get the hang of using chopsticks. No matter how many times her mother tries to show her, she only wants to use forks and spoons like her friend Abigail. But when she and her mother take some time to draw dragons together, she begins to see her Chinese heritage in a different light. “Chopsticks” was written by Grace Kang and illustrated by Julie Kim. Read it here!

“Ramadan Cake” from SPIDER Magazine
It’s Shireen’s first time fasting for Ramadan. That means that when the family gets together to celebrate her grandfather’s birthday, they can’t eat until after sundown. Shireen decides to surprise her grandfather with a homemade chocolate cake for his big day! Read “Ramadan Cake” here! This story was written by Sara Valafar with art by Katherine Ahmed for SPIDER Magazine.

“Cracks of Gold” from SPIDER Magazine
Benjamin is already having a hard enough time moving into a new home. Things get even worse when he breaks his mom’s special bowl. Luckily, his neighbor, Mr. Sato, teaches him a traditional Japanese way to repair the bowl. Not only is the mended bowl beautiful, it’s also stronger! “Cracks of Gold,” by Elizabeth Donnelly with art by Elizabeth Goss, appears in SPIDER Magazine. Read it here!

“How Ma-ui Fished Up the Great Island” from FACES Magazine
You may have heard of the legendary demigod Maui or Ma-ui before. But have you heard the story of how he fished up islands out of the sea? Your family can act out this short “reader’s theatre” play together based on this traditional Hawaiian folk story! “How Ma-ui Fished Up the Great Island” was retold by Pat Bettely for FACES Magazine, with art by Christiane Krömer. Read it here!

“Lilu’s Bright Diwali” from SPIDER Magazine
As Lilu and her family prepare for a Diwali celebration, she wants nothing more than to help! She learns more and more about the traditions of Diwali as she lends a hand to each member of her family. But when they realize their diyas– clay oil lamps– have gone missing, she finds a way to save the day with some creativity! Read “Lilu’s Bright Diwali,” written by Anita Nahta Amin and illustrated by Valentina Belloni!

“A Family Tree” from LADYBUG Magazine
When Hannah and her dad arrive at grandma’s house, it’s not just to pay a friendly visit. They’re there to pick lychees from the “family tree” in her yard! It’s a time to bond with family– and a chance to try a new kind of fruit! Hannah might just find she likes lychees. Caroline Yu’s story, “A Family Tree,” with art by Kristin Sorra, appears in the latest issue of LADYBUG Magazine! Read it here!
If your child is interested in Chinese language and culture, Cricket offers individual and group Mandarin lessons for kids with NeuLingo! AAPI Heritage Month is a fantastic time to learn a heritage language. Get started with NeuLingo now!