Reaching for Distant Stars

As editor of Cricket, I look to publish a balance of stories in each issue—contemporary fiction and fantasy, history and true adventure, longer and shorter stories—that provide variety and also complement each other. In planning Cricket’s September issue, my thoughts naturally turned to school stories.   This month, Cricket begins a two-part story about a […]

Developing Good Study Habits

♪ It’s the most wonderful time of the year…♪ Do you remember that ingenious commercial that used the well-known Christmas song to illustrate how parents feel when the first day of school finally comes around? Even today, thinking about the image of those parents gliding happily along on their back-to-school shopping carts while their children trail […]

Introducing the New Muse

This summer, while my daughter was busy shell collecting and stargazing, she was also outgrowing every stitch of clothing she owned. Clearly, it’s time to move up a size or two. And, at the same time, it’s also an opportunity to make sure her “outsides” keep up with the growth that’s happening on the inside. […]

Back to School Traditions Start the Year off Right

Do you have a back to school tradition in your family? Back when I was a kid, going school shopping especially for new “school” shoes, was a big event in my family. We also did the big school supply shopping trip where my brother and sisters and I would spend an inordinate amount of time […]

What’s So Grand about Grandchildren?

It is no wonder we call them grand children and they call us grand parents. From the moment they arrive, they transform us into the grandest we have ever been. They give us new names, and we are never the same. They fill our hearts with love and laughter and other wondrous gifts of grandeur. […]

Heading West

As the editor of Dig, I’m charged with choosing themes for the coming year. It is definitely an exciting process. The possibilities are endless, but getting the right mix can be challenging. We like a mix that includes not only ancient and more recent centuries, but also a wide geographical reach. So, imagine my delight […]

The First Day of Kindergarten and the Stupid, Smelly Bus

If your little one is heading off to school for the first time, I feel for you both. That first day of kindergarten is one of the biggies when it comes to parenting. I hear from friends with teens, that heading off to kindergarten and heading off to college evoke the same sort of intense, […]

Helping Your Child Build a Volunteering Habit

With all the extra daylight hours, plus the nice weather that comes with summer, this could be a great time for your family to think about getting out into the world and making a difference. Children as young as 3 can pick up trash in the neighborhood, older kids can make sandwiches for a local […]

Compliments Are Free

Your kids are heading into a new grade. Whether they’ll be surrounded by the same faces they’ve known for years, or they’ll be faced with the challenges and joys of making new friends, there are some insecurities they are likely taking with them. Have my friends changed over the summer? Will I have the same […]